Mark Ervin
Job title: Senior Field Coordinator
I was born in: Knoxville, TN
I currently live in: Nashville, TN
First thing I ever sold…. was candy bars for the cub scouts.
When I’m not working I’m…. playing basketball, enjoying the outdoors and spending time with my family.
I bring years of field experience to the TEAM.
Favorite part of my job: can’t pick just one…
College: University of Tennessee
I’m watching… sports and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Favorite charity: Cancer Research
Most played song on my iPod: Forever- Drake
If I won the lottery the first thing I would buy is… the biggest yacht I could buy.
Favorite city I’ve ever visited: Paris
Favorite sports team: UNC Tar Heels
First promotion I ever worked.... was for Godiva Chocolate.
Talent that no one knows about... Real Estate Investments
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate mint
Favorite mascot: Tar Heel
The Web site I visit the most is….