Laura Leigh Zimmerman
Job title: Intern I was born in: Somerset, KY I currently live in: Bowling Green, KY First thing I ever sold…. cookie dough for my middle school band. When I’m not working I’m…. golfing, shopping, reading, watching movies, and spending time with friends and family. I bring a fresh perspective to the TEAM. Favorite part of my job: gaining “hands-on” experience instead of just learning in the classroom College: Western Kentucky University Awards received: Top Accounting Junior at WKU and the Kappa Delta Corre Stegall Leadership Award If I could have any superpower I would be able to…. read minds. I’m watching… Grey’s Anatomy and Bones. I’m reading…. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larson and Wilderness Skills for Women by Marian Jordan. I’m a member of…. Kappa Delta Sorority and Beta Alpha Psi. Most played song on my iPod: anything country Favorite city I’ve ever visited: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil First promotion I ever worked…. was at the Opry’s booth during CMA Fest. Favorite ice cream flavor: anything that can be both chocolaty and fruity at the same time Favorite mascot: Somerset Briar Jumpers The Web site I visit the most is…. and
Katie Bennett
Job title: Legal Intern I was born in: Louisville, KY I currently live in: Nashville, TN First thing I ever sold…. Candles and other items out of the Sally Foster catalogue for an elementary school fundraiser. When I’m not working I’m…. enjoying a summer off from law school. I bring legal support to the TEAM. Favorite part of my job: The variety – no two days are ever the same. College: Western Kentucky University Awards received:  Miss Senior - high school; Political Science Student Involvement Award- WKU; Miss Social - WKU Alpha Delta Pi If I could have any superpower I would be able to…. add more hours to each day. I’m watching… Mad Men. Favorite charity: Ronald McDonald House Charities  I’m a member of…. University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law Student Bar Association, WKU Alumni Association and Alpha Delta Pi Sorority.  If I won the lottery the first thing I would buy is... a house on the beach. Favorite city I’ve ever visited: London (preferably not during the winter) Favorite sports team: University of Kentucky Favorite ice cream flavor: Peanut Butter ‘n Chocolate Favorite mascot: Big Red The Web site I visit the most is…. google so I can check my gmail.
Andrew Dinh
Name: Andrew Dinh Job title: Director of Information Systems I was born in: Siagon, Vietnam I currently live in: Nashville, TN First thing I ever sold…. GI Joe. When I’m not working I’m…. with my family. I bring technology to the TEAM. Favorite part of my job: making people happy! College: University of Kentucky If I could be any superhero I would be… superman. I’m watching… Greek. Favorite charity: Dinh Foundation I’m reading…. Windows 7. I’m a member of…. Microsoft Partner Program. Most played song on my iPod: iPod what??? Zune. If I won the lottery the first thing I would buy is: a company Favorite city I’ve ever visited: Santa Monica, CA Favorite sports team: UK Basketball Team Talent that no one knows about: I play basketball and tennis. Favorite ice cream flavor: Pralines and Cream Favorite mascot: UK Wildcats The Web site I visit the most is…. Google.
Missy O’Brien
Job title: Senior Manager of Operations and Client Relations I was born in: Syracuse, NY I currently live in: Philadelphia, PA First thing I ever sold….  Girl Scout cookies (I won a week’s vacation to girl scout camp)! When I’m not working I’m….  spending time with my family. I bring Missy Magic to the TEAM.  Favorite part of my job: working with honest people that want to do the right thing for the business College: Alfred State College, NY Awards received: student of the year (Sr. Year of high school) If I could have any superpower I would be able to…. read people’s minds. I’m watching…  Law and Order SVU or 24. If I won the lottery the first thing I would buy is… a modest five bedroom house. I’m reading…. 50 short stories. I’m into… my family. Favorite city I’ve ever visited: New Orleans and Savannah Favorite sports team: Syracuse Orangemen First promotion I ever worked…. lead generation for Kirby Vacuums. Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla with chocolate syrup Favorite mascot: Orangeman The Web site I visit the most is….
Trippe Steven Fried
Job title: General Counsel I was born in: North Carolina I currently live in: Nashville First thing I ever sold….my soul for Duke Basketball. When I’m not working I’m….trying to get my soul back. I bring legal acumen to the TEAM. Favorite part of my job: working on solutions to complex problems College: Tufts University Awards received: too numerous to list If I could have any superpower I would be able to…. Give my enemies a wet, hacking cough. I’m watching…my weight. Favorite charity….Kaylen Foundation. I’m reading….several books at once. I’m a member of…. The 1995 UT Summer League intramural basketball championship squad. If I won the lottery the first thing I would buy is... The Nashville Predators. Favorite city I’ve ever visited: Casa de Campo, DR Favorite sports team: UT Vols Talent that no one knows about: missing lay-ups Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate Favorite mascot: Smokey
Dimeta Smith
Job title: Accounting and HR Manager I was born in: Long Beach, CA I live in: Nashville, TN First thing ever sold… candy for Valentine’s Day in 8th grade. When I’m not working… I’m entertaining and socializing. I bring financial knowledge and sparkle to the TEAM (not typical for an accounting geek). Favorite part of my job: working with people from different backgrounds College: Tennessee State University If I could have any superpower I would be able to…mind reading. I’m watching… HGTV a lot! I’m reading… too many fashion magazines! Lucky, Allure, Glamour…. I’m a member of… the National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. If I won the lottery first thing I would buy is I would buy is…plane tickets for me and my family to everywhere. I’m into… sports, traveling and music. Favorite City I’ve ever visited: is London Talent that no one knows about: sewing Favorite ice cream flavor: Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla The website I visit most is...
Lisa Marie Sherman
Job title: Sales Manager I was born in: Rochester, NY I currently live in: Gastonia, NC First thing I ever sold… Girl Scout Cookies. When I’m not working I’m…. shopping, singing karaoke and exercising. I bring enthusiasm to the TEAM. Favorite part of my job: coaching and motivating others College: Southeastern Awards received: My most recent award was a plaque given to me by my sales reps. If I could have any superpowers I would be able to….heal the sick, stop the visual ageing process and have psychic ability. Definitely not the ability to fly (I’m deathly afraid of heights)! I’m watching…Flipping Out on HGTV. Favorite charity: Make A Wish Foundation I’m reading….People Style Watch (haven’t had time to pick up a book lately). I’m a member of….Planet Fitness. Most played song on my iPod: Welcome to the Jungle If I won the lottery the first thing I would buy is…a new wardrobe. I’m into… all types and generations of music with the exception of country (sorry Todd). Favorite city I’ve ever visited: Los Angeles Favorite sports team: Tampa Bay Lightening First promotion I ever worked....George Straight concert tour (how ironic). Talent that no one knows about: I used to be a singer in a rock band and I play a little percussion. Favorite ice cream flavor: anything low fat with less sugar The Web site I visit the most is…. (LOL).
Kurt Schlachter
Job title: Fulfillment and Brand Coordinator I was born in: Hazelton, PA I currently live in: Nashville, TN First thing I ever sold…. cookies in third grade for a fundraiser. When I’m not working I’m….relaxing. I bring chutzpah to the TEAM. Favorite part of my job: working under the direction and great leadership of Todd and Josephine College: University of Tennessee Awards received: several If I could have any superpower I would be able to….never wait in line. I’m watching…my computer screen. Favorite charity: Former Child Stars of Canada Fund (FCSOCF) I’m reading….question #14. I’m a member of….Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. Most played song on my iPod: Backwards Down the Number Line - Phish If I won the lottery the first thing I would buy is…another lottery ticket. I’m into… Entourage: Season V. Favorite city I’ve ever visited: Cannes, France Favorite sports team: “Sadr City Terror” First promotion I ever worked....General Motors / Lowes Ride and Drive event. Talent that no one knows about: I can dictate LATITUDE and LONGITUDE of every European Capital City within 2 degrees, from memory. Favorite ice cream flavor: mint chocolate chip Favorite mascot: “Muqtada the Mongrel” of the “Sadr City Terror” The Web site I visit the most is….
Alan Robinson
Job title: Facility Manager I was born in: Indiana I currently live in: Nashville, TN First thing I ever sold… was Merry Bells. When I’m not working I’m…. painting. I bring creativity to the TEAM. Favorite part of my job: doing my best College: Purdue University Awards received: graduated with honors If I could have any superpower I would be able to…. move at the speed of light. I’m reading….the Bible. If I won the lottery the first thing I would buy is…work boots. I’m into…art. Favorite city I’ve ever visited: Denver, CO Favorite sports team: Indianapolis Colts Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla Favorite mascot: Jay Hawks The Web site I visit the most is…
Edward Reznik
Job title: Vice President I was born in: Russia I currently live in: South Florida First thing I ever sold… myself. When I’m not working I’m…. spending time with family and reading. I bring balance to the TEAM. Favorite part of my job: watching people grow College: Long Island University I’m watching…you! Favorite charity: Rebbe Meir Baal Hanes I’m reading…. The creature from Jekyll Island. I’m a member of….the human race : ) If I won the lottery the first thing I would buy is... my debt. I’m into… stocks, football, baseball and art. Favorite city I’ve ever visited: Vienna Favorite sports team: Miami Dolphins First promotion I ever worked....was for the NY Giants/Jets games. Talent that no one knows about: drawing The Web site I visit the most is…. google.

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